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This week ‘s photographer: Daniel Siregar (34) from Indonesia, a PhD student of Mechanical Engineering

When taken?
Two weeks ago.

What do we see?
It’s a view of Eindhoven city center from the Piazza building, with a lot of lights decorating the street, as Christmas is closing in. The white Christmas tree is also placed next to the construction site to make this area look nicer and gives a Christmas atmosphere for people who visit the city center.

Why this picture?

The Netherlands is always associated with rainy weather. In most cases, it is not a favored condition, especially for a daily bicycle rider like me. But probably, one in a million cases, people can see from another perspective rather than the negative side. In this photo, the rain makes the ground wet and produces beautiful effects. And hopefully by looking at this photo and possibly finding the beauty of it, you can have a bit of a warm feeling during this rainy cold winter and get ready to welcome the holiday.