Executive Board chairman ing. Amandus Lundqvist at the opening in September 2005 already labeled it a minor demerit: the temporary housing complex of 84 space boxes would be allowed on that site by the river Dommel for five years only. Which was in accordance with the agreement that accommodation company Vestide, a part of Woonbedrijf, had concluded about this with the municipality. However, by shifting the boxes by two meters, a new location would be realized and TU/e would be able to enjoy this facility for a longer period, the inventive chairman suggested at the time.
In 2008 another 102 extra units were added, raising the total to 186. Sorely needed, for the annual increase in the numbers of foreign students has made it a formidable task for Vestide and TU/e every year to provide suitable accommodation for all newcomers. Indeed, this year letters were sent to student associations requesting them, if possible, to contribute to finding extra accommodation. Hence it appears quite undesirable to break down the ‘old’ 84 space boxes in September 2010.
University secretary Roumen ventures no opinion on the question of applying for an extension of the permit with the municipality. “That is primarily a matter for Vestide, in which TU/e is closely involved, of course”, says Roumen. “We also concluded a covenant with the municipality for student accommodation (in 2003 - ed.) and we are continuously consulting with all parties about this issue.”
The only thing that Roumen wishes to say for now is that a proper solution will be found for all occupants of the ‘old’ space boxes. “We shall make sure now and in the future that our foreign students are suitably accommodated.” (HK)/. |