TU/e is represented in Japan by ID professors prof. dr. ir. Jeu Schouten (dean) and prof. dr. Matthias Rauterberg. The ID Department will be conducting research together with the Graduate School of Media Design from Keio University in the area of intelligent environments and healthcare.
The cooperation, of which the first step was made last week, is to be manifested especially in the exchange of knowledge and persons. Thus, lecturers may get double appointments in the future. Students and PhD candidates can decide on joint PhDs and joint Master’s degrees, which come with a diploma from both Keio and TU/e.
The confirmation of the budding cooperation took place during a visit which Prime Minister Balkenende and Minister Plasterk from OCW paid to Japan within the context of four hundred years of Japanese-Dutch relations. During this visit Balkenende received an honorary doctorate from Keio University.
Keio University is the oldest higher education institute of Japan and is regarded as one of the most prestigious universities of the country. The founder of the university (1858) already entertained close relations with the Netherlands and even had a firm grasp of the Dutch language. (FvO)/. |