12 november 2009 -
Cursor is pulling up a chair for a meal with Romanians Irina Ailenei and Cosmina Niculae (with glasses), both 23 and Master students of Business Information Systems. They are remarkably modest: “The food is not really traditional, you know.” Still, their modesty is totally uncalled for. This is not a meager meal, but a genuine three-course dinner.
In fact we should begin with a glass of Palinca. “It is an alcoholic beverage composed of plums, pears or apples, mostly homemade”, Irina and Cosmina inform us. “In Romania we drink it on special occasions. It whets the appetite. Unfortunately it is not available in Eindhoven.” Just like other Food for Thought chefs, Irina and Cosmina failed to find the proper ingredients in Dutch shops. “We have conjured up our own interpretation of the Romanian dinner”, says Irina. Besides, cooking a traditional dish would take a lot of time, which is a luxury the students cannot afford, just before the exam week. Nonetheless, they have been in the kitchen since 2 p.m. And appetizer or no appetizer, the stomachs are rumbling already. So to work!
The starter is a cauliflower pie. First the sauce, which includes flour, sour cream and cheese, is cooked. Then the cake tin with the cauliflower and sauce goes into the oven. The result is a surprisingly delicious pie. The oven is kept hot for the main course: a delectable oven dish. “With chicken and mushrooms, carrots and potatoes”, Irina and Cosmina explain. “For even though the Dutch may disagree, we simply call a potato a vegetable!”
While we are relishing the lovely food, the dessert is waiting right in front of us. The walnut cake attracts our attention, as it does not only look very scrumptious, but quite spectacular to boot. The chocolate and vanilla dough have been mixed most decoratively. “Which posed a real challenge, because we had never made this dessert yet,”, Irina and Cosmina confess with laughter. “Fortunately it went right the first time!” Cakes are the girls’ absolute favorites from the Romanian cuisine. “We have many different kinds and eat them for dessert or as a snack. Lovely!”
The recipe may be found at the forum of www.tuemeetingplace.nl.
Would you like to let us relish your skills as a chef? Mail to engcursor@tue.nl.