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A robot in love

27 november 2008 - In the distant future the earth will be one big scrapheap, while humanity will have departed elsewhere. Life is no longer here, or is it? Yes, WALL-E. This little robot faithfully keeps carrying out its software program. In the daytime it compresses waste, at night it watches old videos inside its container before turning in. One day its routine is disturbed by EVE, a robot beauty (a sexy iMac-design), which has come to check whether any plants have started growing again on the earth. WALL-E is head over heels at once, like the spectator. 'WALL-E', an animation film by Pixar employee Andrew Stanton ('Finding Nemo', 'A bug's life') can be seen in the Zwarte Doos, on 27 November and 2 and 3 December at 20.00 hours.

The English Page is written by Paula van de Riet and Ingrid Magilsen. They can be reached at