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Odd jobs at another side of society
10 juni 2010 - To be honest, the weather was more fitting to lounge on the beach or a terrace. Nevertheless a group of nine (former) students of TU/e, Fontys and the Design Academy put their shoulders to the wheel on Saturday 5th June during the volunteer odd-jobs day of T!NT. In collaboration with Stichting Present the students set to work cleaning and painting for people who are in a social assistance scheme.
Fernanda Neira d’Angelo is all set. For reasons of privacy the Cursor photographer could not take photos at the homes of recipients of assistance. Photo: Rien Meulman

Useful, necessary, but fun as well. Using that approach, T!NT, the student organization that stands for ‘inspiration and deepening’, wanted to do something useful for people in need of this. The activity was supervised by the Stichting Present.

This foundation links up people who have registered as volunteers with people who lack social contacts that they can fall back on.

The odd-jobs students set to work at two households. The Spanish Fernanda Neira d’Angelo, a PhD student at Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, was one of the volunteers. Together with her group she gave the living-room of a female former drug addict a colorful make-over. Neira d’Angelo: “I think it is important that students should also see another side of society. In general life is easy for us. At TU/e you are surrounded by people with similar backgrounds. An activity like this makes you aware that there are also people leading quite different lives.” (SK)/.