Course TRD52 ‘Supervising master students’ for departments B, IE&IS and ID
The course ‘Supervising master students’ for teachers and PhD students (experienced and inexperienced supervisors) for departments B, IE&IS and ID, will be offered on Monday April 12th and Thursday April 15th 2010 from 13.30 - 17.00 hours. The course is aimed to improve and systemize the way in which supervisors guide their students during their graduation projects. The course consists of short introductions, exercises and discussions. Participants will have an active role during the course. Participation by teaching staff of the TU/e is free of charge.
More information can be obtained from Janneke van der Loo (phone 3117) or at You can register for the course by Internet (, by e-mail (, or by telephone (2520).
Workshop TRD56 ‘Supervision of PhD students’
The workshop ‘Supervision of PhD students’ will be offered on Thursday April 22nd 2010 from 10.00 – 17.00 hours. The course is aimed to explore the factors for success in the supervision of PhD students.
In the workshop you will be provided with tips and exercises aimed at achieving the successful supervision of researchers. Time will be spent on the planning of the research project, monitoring the progress and training yourself in leadership and interview techniques. Participants will have an active role during the course. Participation by teaching staff of the TU/e is free of charge.
More information can be obtained from Janneke van der Loo (phone 3117) or at You can register for the course by Internet (, by e-mail (, or by telephone (2520).
Course ‘Coaching students’
The course TRD28 ‘Coaching students’ will be offered on 27 April 2010 from 13.30 – 17.00 hours. This training course discusses the tasks of the coach and it devotes attention to a number of coaching skills, such as conversation techniques and giving constructive feedback, so that teachers can adapt their coaching approach to the needs of the students. Participation by teachers or TU/e staff who will be coaching students is free of charge. This course is also part of the BKO training program.
More information can be obtained from Janneke van der Loo (phone 3117) or at You can register for the course by Internet (, by e-mail (, or by telephone (2520).