International votes for mayoralty referendum in Eindhoven
24 januari 2008 -
Voting for a Dutch mayor. It was possible for international staff members living in Eindhoven. On condition, though, that they had a European nationality or had lived in the Netherlands for at least five years at a stretch. Several TU/e staff members met these conditions and could voice their preference during the referendum of Wednesday 23 January.
Leen Verbeek speaks, Rob van Gijzel on the left listens. Photo: Bart van Overbeeke
24 januari 2008 -
Paula van de Riet and Ingrid Magilsen will as of next week provide for the English page in the Cursor. They are taking over from Franca Gilsing, who wants to take time off for her new study. Freelance journalist Paula has written for various TU/e magazines for some time now, including the Cursor. Ingrid is a newcomer at the TU/e. She has written a great deal, especially in the field of education.
Foreign graduates granted more time to look for jobs
24 januari 2008 -
Good news for international students from outside the European Union graduating here. Since mid-December 2007 they have been allowed to stay in the Netherlands longer to find a job. Instead of three months they will from now on be granted a year to look for a job after finishing their studies.
Internationalization causes extra environmental burden
24 januari 2008 -
Studying and working abroad is a good opportunity for many to broaden their horizons. Besides, airline tickets today are a lot cheaper than before, so that the decision to make a trip is made more easily. Unfortunately it is the environment that loses then, as an article from Transfer indicates.
24 januari 2008 -
Huzaifa Das is a student of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. Every other week a column written by him will be published on the English page.