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Jaargang 44, 8 november 2001 English page |
Library walk-in courses now in English The library website is TU/e's largest website by far. The library has contracts with various publishers for on-line links. Through the library portal, TU/e staff and students have access to more than 3000 magazines and journals from all over the world. There are specialised bibliographic databases for searching by subject; some of the big names are Inspec, Compendex, Chemical Abstracts and Iconda. Also available is support software such as Reference Manager (compiles personal bibliographic reference files), electronic reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias, manuals for databases and current awareness services for new publications. The website offers over 2000 full-text dissertations from TU/e. Bi-lingual website Photo: Bart van Overbeeke |
Electrical Engineering announces 3mln deficit Dean Wim van Bokhoven of Electrical Engineering announced a big cutback operation this Monday. The department budget for 2002 is showing a deficit of more than 3 million guilders. The cutbacks will be carried out on three levels: two professors
who are leaving will not be replaced, new PhD students will no
longer be paid out of primary funding and a number of non-scientific
staff (Ondersteunend Beheers Personeel) will be offered a severance
package and asked to leave voluntarily.
'Islam and Peace' lecture The idea that Islam is a violent religion has been gaining
ground because of the attacks of September 11. This negative image
is propagated by the western media, say Mosaic. "Regrettably
there is always a small group that doesn't keep the rules. This
is the group portrayed by the media. It makes it seem as if we're
all like that", writes Khalid Manssouri, chairman of Mosaic,
in an invitation to the lecture. Mosaic is inviting the whole
TU/e community to the lecture. "This is very important to
us", Manssouri comments. "Everyone is welcome, Muslim
or not, black or white, Dutch or Moroccan." |
Sept. 11 discussion Lecture on Kennispoort Design Day The English Page is written by Paula van de Riet. She can be reached at engcur@stud.tue.nl. |